A Health Plan for Medicare-Eligible GNY Retirees

All eligible GNY retirees who reside in the New York City, Westchester, Nassau/Suffolk area are eligible for the 1199SEIU Aetna MAPD Plan, so they have access to a large network of physicians rated highly for quality and service.

Here’s what you get under the Aetna MAPD Plan:

  • Medical, hospital and prescription benefits
  • No co-pay for primary care office visits
  • Dental, vision and hearing benefits

Early GNY Retirees ages 62-64 who reside in the New York area will become eligible when they turn 65 and become Medicare eligible.


Visit the 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan Site

  • Find a Provider
  • Learn About Your Coverage and Benefits
  • Get Help and more

Something to Smile About: Aetna DMO Dental Plan

If you’re enrolled in the 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan, you can access the Aetna Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) plan.
The good news is you are already enrolled. All you have to do is select a primary care dentist from the provider directory to get started.

Summary of GNY Retiree Health Benefits

To Retire with Greater New York Benefit Fund Health Benefits


Years of Service

Coverage (EC I)

(Benefits as a retired member cannot exceed coverage before retirement)

65+ 25

1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan
(If living in NYC, Nassau, Suffolk or Westchester County):
Rx, Vision.

You must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A (hospital) and Medicare Part B (medical). IF not living in NYC, Nassau, Suffolk or Westchester County: Medicare Part A deductible, co-insurance and reserve days; Vision Care, Dental and Prescription Drugs

62–64* 25

Early Retiree Dental Plus Plan:

Dental, Vision, Hospital Indemnity OR Early Retiree Prescription Plan: Rx, Vision

Any age with permanent disability* 25

Early Retiree Dental Plus Plan:

Dental, vision, hospital indemnity;


Early Retiree Prescription Plan:

Rx, Vision

*When Medicare eligible, members who retired at the age of 62+ or at any age with permanent disability will have the same benefits as 65+ retirees.

GNY Retiree Health Benefits Overview

Age 65 with 25 Years of Service

If you retire at or after age 65 with Eligibility Class I benefits and at least 25 years of credited service and/or vesting service, you’ll receive your health coverage through the 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan. To get these benefits, you must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A (hospital) and Medicare Part B (medical) and live in NYC, Nassau, Suffolk or Westchester County.

Age 62-64 with 25 Years of Service*

If you retire between the ages of 62 through 64 with at least 25 years of credited service and/or vesting service, you are eligible for the Early Retiree Dental Plus Plan OR the Early Retiree Prescription Plan.

Any Age with Permanent Disability and 25 Years of Service*

Members who retire at any age with permanent disability*, with at least 25 years of credited service and/or vesting service, are eligible for the Early Retiree Dental Plus Plan OR the Early Retiree Prescription Plan.

*When Medicare-eligible, members who retired at the age of 62+ or at any age with permanent disability will have the same benefits as 65+ retirees.